Kashriel: Ma’ale Adumim is a United, Strong Community

In his traditional Rosh Hashana greeting, Mayor Beni Kashriel said city officials would continue to keep their collective fingers on the pulse of current events and to bring forward “a cure to future political blows”, if there will be any, G-d forbid. “We will continue to fight for building in the city, and I am very optimistic that we will succeed,” he said. “The future development of our community is equally important. May we continue to be a united, strong community, a community that supports the weak, that is involved in all sectors of city life, especially education and quality of the environment. If all of us will work together for the benefit of the community and our city, we will see a beautiful, strong city with a healthy, contributing populace. May we all enjoy a good year, full of blessings and achievements.”

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