MAchat FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
(click on a question or just use the "down arrow" key)
1. Does a listing in the business directory cost money?
2. How do I add my Ma'ale Adumim business to the business directory?
3. Can I add my home business to the business directory?
4. How do I reply to a person's message posting? Their email is not displayed.
5. How do I reply to the list about a message posted?
6. Why do I see some junk characters when reading certain messages?
7. My doctor has visiting hours at the Meuchedet Health Fund branch,
but the phone and address in the phone book is listed under the Maccabi Health Fund. What's wrong?
8. Can I advertise my business / service on MAchat?
I will be adding more questions / answers as feedback to the new website / system
comes in.
Q1. Does a listing in the phone book cost money?
All listings in the business directory are free.
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Q2. How do I add my Ma'ale Adumim business to the business directory?
For the Business Directory - Phone Book additions / corrections:
Email: jacob@machat.co.il
Subject: MAchat Phone Book
Send: company name, address, phone number, 1-2 line business description, up to 3 search keywords
(look at the question mark drop down list on the business search page),
Website (if you have one for the business)
Facebook page (if you have one for the business)
Instagram page (if you have one for the business)
All businesses in the phone book must be based in Ma'ale Adumim, Mishor Adumim or
the surrounding yishuvim.
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Q3. Can I add my home business to the business directory?
Yes you can, but two important notes:
1. I am still undeciding if all businesses in the business pages need to be registered businesses.
For now, babysitting services and other temporary type of services should be posted
to the message board / mailing list and not submitted to the phone book.
2. The MAchat phone book is not a resume database. Please do not submit yourself as a business or service unless it is a business / service that the general public can utilize.
Good: graphic artist, Problematic: NASA shuttle engineer.
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Q4. How do I reply to a person's message posting?
The poster's email is not displayed.
To avoid email abuse and spamming, I decided not to display the email address
of the poster. The poster must include contact information (email or
phone) in the message itself. I did not want to recreate a full email system and
force everyone to create and use a login and password.
In the past, most email messages of the old MA-chat list had contact information
in the post itself.
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5. How do I reply to the list about a message posted?
If you want to reply to the list about a message, you need to copy and
past the subject of the message (include an re: and make sure there is a
subject key) to your own email system and send it to: machat@machat.co.il
I hear the groans but consider two things:
Most messages on MAchat do not get / need public replies
Most of the public replies in the past have caused problems
for people including the moderator (me).
Please think twice before making a public reply.
Thank you!
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6. Why do I see some junk characters when reading certain messages?
The MAchat message board / mailing list is an English only based system.
If I let a Hebrew message get posted by accident, you may see strange
characters in the message. It depends which mailing system they are sending
the Hebrew message from.
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7. My doctor has visiting hours at the Meuchedet Health Fund branch,
but the phone and address in the phone book is listed under Maccabia. What's wrong?
Nothing is wrong. Many doctors in Ma'ale Adumim have visiting days / hours at more than
one health fund. I started adding the doctors from the Maccabi fund and then I
went on to the Meuchedet list. I may not be aware when a doctor switches or
takes on another health fund. I am currently listing one address and phone number
per doctor.
Note: If you see that your doctor's name is misspelled, please let me
know the correct spelling. I apologize for the translation mistakes I may have made.
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8. Can I advertise my business / service on MAchat?
Yes. Besides the free listing in the phone book, businesses can
advertise on the site via top and side banners. The advertisements
will give your business good publicity and will help defer
the costs of the development and maintenance of the site.
A tax receipt will be issued to you or your business on any payment made.
Contact me by email for advertising rates.
jacob@machat.co.il or or jrichman@jr.co.il
When visiting or calling a business in Ma'ale Adumim or Mishor Adumim
please let them know that you saw their ad on MAchat and you appreciate their support.
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