Hi Everyone!
Tonight, I went to Nusach Achid to hear the megillah reading
and then I went to the Purim party at Musar Avicha.
I took photos at both shuls and posted them online at:
Hi Everyone!
Tonight, I went to Nusach Achid to hear the megillah reading
and then I went to the Purim party at Musar Avicha.
I took photos at both shuls and posted them online at:
Hi Everyone!
Tomorrow, March 24, there will be a big Purim happening
in Kikar Yahalom / Central Park.
It will take place from 11:00 to 16:00.
Entrance is free.
Below is the Hebrew map of the events.
Here is the English translation (thank you Ilana Goodman)
1. Knights’ workshop
2. Aerial acrobatics workshop
3. High jumping workshop
4. Ninja workshop
5. Rope’s park
6. Arts and crafts
7. Purimon – Scouts
8. Youth movements stalls
9. Soap bubbles
10. Cafe + dolls’ theater
11. Conservatory orchestra
12. 70 meter omega
13. Bouncy castles
14. Horses I
15. Horses II
16. Extreme sports
17. Move to the beat and Darboukamania
18. Games from “when we were kids”
19. Matnas dance troupe
20. Volume music club
21. Dr. Molecule: NIS 10 entrance, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00
22. Maale Adumim school performances: 13:00-14:00
23. Hop! Performance: 14:00-15:00
24. Oded Paz from The Pajamas: 15:00-16:00
If you would like to print the Hebrew map, it is posted at:
Purim Sameach,
Students from Ulpanat Tzivia in Ma’ale Adumim
donated their hair to cancer patients.
They donated 50 braids to Zichron Menachem.
Visit Zichron Menachem at:
Hi Everyone!
Today, March 15, was Good Deeds Day.
There were many events in Ma’ale Adumim.
I visited the happening in Kikar Yahalom and I posted photos at:
Please share with friends. Thank you!
If you are in a photo and you would like the original larger photo,
just email me the photo number. There is no charge.
Have a good night,
Over 100 Costumes and Assorted Accessories / Props
At the Brownstein family
Mitzpe Nevo 114/7
Sunday 21/2 – Thursday 25/2
Limited hours – by appointment only
please call 058-604-1088
or email – andrea2709@gmail.com
10 shekel donation per costume plus
a deposit of 100 shekels per family to
be returned once costumes have been returned cleaned and undamaged
by Tuesday 25/3
In loving memory of Shirley Isaacs a”h – an expert designer, pattern cutter, and dressmaker who could create any costume under the sun.
The new Cultural Center of Ma’ale Adumim opened 10 days ago.
Below is a short Hebrew video of the opening.
Hi Everyone!
Tonight (Monday night after chag in Israel), I took photos of the Second Hakafot in the S’deh Chemed schoolyard in Ma’ale Adumim.
I posted the photos online at:
Have a good night,
Hi Everyone!
Today, Musar Avicha had their annual children’s Sukkot parade.
The parade took place in the Klei Shir neighborhood and
finished with a gathering at Rav Katz’s sukka.
I took photos of the festive event and posted them at:
Enjoy the photos!
Moadim L’Simcha!
Hi Everyone!
The annual Children’s Sukkot Parade will take place
Tuesday of Chol Hamoad. This year it is sponsored by
Betei Knesset Musar Avicha and Nusach Achid.
You can view last year’s photos at:
Menachem Ofir will be leading the Parade with songs and dancing
from Beit Knesset Musar Avicha through the streets of Klei Shir,
ending up at Rav Katz’s house, where the children will be treated
to a mini- Simchat Beit Hashoeva with the Rav in his Sukka.
TIME: 5:45 pm, the kids will be given flags, stick lights,
banners and small “sefrei Torah” to carry on the parade.
Starting place : Musar Avicha, Rechov Haztilzal,
near the chilazon(snail park).
Sukkot Events at the Lake
During Chol Hamoed Sukkot, there will be several events
at Park Shamir near the lake.
Entrance is free only to Ma’ale Adumim residents.
Bring your teudat zehut with you.
Free bus service from city hall every top of the hour.
Below is the Hebrew flyer with more details.
Second Hakafot in Ma’ale Adumim will take place on
Monday night, October 5, 2015 at 20:30
Sdeh Chemed school yard
(Midbar Yehudah and Hagitit street corner)
As in past years, I hope (B”H) to be there with
my camera taking photos for the website.
Just ask and I will take your photo.
Below is the Hebrew flyer with more details.
You can view last year’s photos at:
Chag Sameach,
Three weeks ago, Eliezer Ginsberg z”l passed away.
He was one of the founders of Ma’ale Adumim.
He established the Ma’ale Adumim religious council
and the economic development company of Ma’ale Adumim.
In the 2012 Hebrew video below, he describes how Ma’ale Adumim
started out.
May his memory be a blessing.